Friday, April 24, 2009


I am so amazed at how wonderful Gabbie and Morgan are with their sisters. Not that I had any doubt but it is so wonderful to see. I went over tonight to relieve Aubrey and Ashley so they could get some sleep and Gabbie and Morgan were soooo helpful. It was so cute to watch Gabbie change a "poopy" diaper. She was like " ewww this is so gross". I had to laugh! We had some excitement when Gracies monitor went off( the lead had come loose and neither one of us knew what to do ) and we had to wake Aubrey but luckily she was able to go right back to sleep. I am impressed at how they are pulling together as a family. These babies are so blessed to have a family like them.


  1. They've learned from example, and have been taught well. Pat yourself on the back too.

  2. well thankyou! and that poopy diaper was DISCUSTING! she blew that sucker UP! hey well the girls are up... and screaming... gtg bye

